JS Cheat Sheet
A quick reference list to JavaScript functions, allowing for interaction with HTML and CS files.
Using Scripts
An external JS file
<script src="*.js"></script>
Inline in the HTML
Javascript code
DOM Interaction
Click code snippets to see examples
document | Keyword granting access to the root of the DOM in JS |
element.innerHTML | Modifies the contents of an element |
element.querySelector(<selector>) |
Select the first element with CSS selectors, eg. h1, p, div
element.getElementById(#id) | Keyword granting access to the root of the DOM in JS |
element.style['CSS property'] = '...' | Provides access to the inline style of HTML tag |
parent.createElement('<selector>') | Creates new element based on given selector, adds under parent element |
parent.appendChild(element) | Adds element as child to parent element |
parent.removeChild(element) | Removes targeted element from parent element |
element.hidden | Set to boolean value, follows selected element, hides element |
element.onclick = function | Assigns a function to run on a click event of element |
element.parentNode | Returns the parent node of the selected element |
element.firstChild | Returns first child of the selected element |
element.children |
REturns a list of the element's children, null if no children
DOM Examples
document.body.innerHTML = 'This is the text of the body element';
This changes the innerHTML of the document's body.
document.querySelector('p').innerHTML = 'This is the first paragraph';
This will select the first <p>
element in the document and changes the innerHTML.
let element = document.querySelector('header');
element.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = 'This is the <h1> inside the <header>';
This will select the first h1
element in the first <header>
element and changes the innerHTML.
document.getElementById('bio').innerHTML = 'This is the element with id 'bio'";
This will select the element with id of 'bio' and changes the innerHTML.
let button = document.getElementById('redButton');
button.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
button.style['font-size'] = '32px';
Makes the element with id 'redButton' red and with fontsize 32px.
let paragraph = document.createElement('p');
paragraph.id = 'info';
paragraph.class = 'pText';
paragraph.innerHTML = 'The text inside the paragraph';
Creates <p>
element with id 'info', class 'pText', and innerHTML. Adds to the end of the <body>
let newDestination = document.createElement('li');
newDestination.innerHTML = 'Oaxaca, Mexico';
Creates new <li>
element and adds to the element with id 'destinations'.
let paragraph = document.body.querySelector('p');
Selects the first <p>
in <body>
and deletes it.
Hides element with id 'sign'.
let element = document.getElementById('interact');
element.onclick = function(){
element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
The element with id 'interact' will change to blue
background color.
let child = document.getElementById('child');
child.parentNode.innerHTML = "I have killed my children!"
Gets element id 'child' and changes its parent's innerHTML to text, effectively erasing all of the children.
let first = document.body.firstChild;
first.innerHTML = 'I am the child!';
Changes the first child's innerHTML
let destinationList = document.getElementById('destinations').children;
Gets list of children for element id 'destinations', prints out first child's innerHTML