Derek's HTML and CSS Cheat Sheet

JS Cheat Sheet

A quick reference list to JavaScript functions, allowing for interaction with HTML and CS files.

Using Scripts

An external JS file

<script src="*.js"></script>

Inline in the HTML

   Javascript code

DOM Interaction

Click code snippets to see examples

document Keyword granting access to the root of the DOM in JS
element.innerHTML Modifies the contents of an element
element.querySelector(<selector>) Select the first element with CSS selectors, eg. h1, p, div
element.getElementById(#id) Keyword granting access to the root of the DOM in JS['CSS property'] = '...' Provides access to the inline style of HTML tag
parent.createElement('<selector>') Creates new element based on given selector, adds under parent element
parent.appendChild(element) Adds element as child to parent element
parent.removeChild(element) Removes targeted element from parent element
element.hidden Set to boolean value, follows selected element, hides element
element.onclick = function Assigns a function to run on a click event of element
element.parentNode Returns the parent node of the selected element
element.firstChild Returns first child of the selected element
element.children REturns a list of the element's children, null if no children

DOM Examples


document.body.innerHTML  = 'This is the text of the body element';

This changes the innerHTML of the document's body.


document.querySelector('p').innerHTML = 'This is the first paragraph';

This will select the first <p> element in the document and changes the innerHTML.

let element = document.querySelector('header');

element.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = 'This is the <h1> inside the <header>';

This will select the first h1 element in the first <header> element and changes the innerHTML.


document.getElementById('bio').innerHTML = 'This is the element with id 'bio'";

This will select the element with id of 'bio' and changes the innerHTML.


let button = document.getElementById('redButton'); = 'red';['font-size'] = '32px';

Makes the element with id 'redButton' red and with fontsize 32px.


let paragraph = document.createElement('p'); = 'info';
paragraph.class = 'pText';
paragraph.innerHTML = 'The text inside the paragraph';


Creates <p> element with id 'info', class 'pText', and innerHTML. Adds to the end of the <body>.


let newDestination = document.createElement('li');
newDestination.innerHTML = 'Oaxaca, Mexico';


Creates new <li> element and adds to the element with id 'destinations'.


let paragraph = document.body.querySelector('p');

Selects the first <p> in <body> and deletes it.


document.getElementById('sign').hidden = true;

Hides element with id 'sign'.


let element = document.getElementById('interact');

element.onclick = function(){ = 'blue';

The element with id 'interact' will change to blue background color.


let child = document.getElementById('child');
child.parentNode.innerHTML = "I have killed my children!"

Gets element id 'child' and changes its parent's innerHTML to text, effectively erasing all of the children.


let first = document.body.firstChild;
first.innerHTML = 'I am the child!';

Changes the first child's innerHTML


let destinationList = document.getElementById('destinations').children;

Gets list of children for element id 'destinations', prints out first child's innerHTML